Looks great, Did you use a photo for the snow and truck?
Looks great, Did you use a photo for the snow and truck?
Yepp, i didn't have any in my library that fit the appropriate design/composition/perspective i needed tho. So i had to photo collage parts together and paint over it:3
Really detailed and great to look at ( found the easter egg!)
good luck in the competition!
Thanks! I will be needing it! (congrats!)
Better late then never!, If you are quick you can enter the challenge of this month ;)
Nice one, I like the expressions of the characters. good luck in the competition
Thank you Emerald Phoenix, I've been working on expressions a lot this year, lol. If your entering in competition, good luck to you as well!
I do like the linework and style. These colours always have appealed to me.
I think I would love it more if the breasts and bottem would have been allot smaller and a more realistic size.
I always have more respect for artists when they don't go for the more ''erotic'' type of illustrations.
True, allot more views, but is that really the audience you want?
Anyway looks good,
Keep it up!
Thanks for your honest opinion, I completely get what you mean. But to be honest I just draw what appeals to me haha, I'm a sucker for buxom women. After all, what is art but an expression of a persons taste and emotions? I draw from imagination something I can't get in reality, and if that draws any sort of audience, I don't really think it matters who they are, I draw for self satisfaction and am just sharing it with the world.
Thanks for your encouraging words!
This Loish made the classic mistake when mirroring eyes not correcting the reflecting light direction in one eye. Good that you corrected it in your version. There is a very bright light coming from the left side. remember that there should also be a contrasting shadow.
Also, you drew the shadow of her chin as if the light is coming from the top right when your light is coming from the left side.
The reflecting light on her nose is abit to long. If you look on the original the nose is not that large.
When drawing lips ( personal preference) Try not to make it a closed line.
Your lines are abit sketchy, try to make smooth lines. It takes allot of practise but will make it so much better.
Try useing both thick and thin lines, it addes allot to an illustration.
Keep it up!
thanx for the great review emeraldphoenix....I will note down ur tips for the future :) Thanx alot
Good illustration, is the pixel style on purpose?
Yes and no, I'm practicing to emulate comic book colouring styles but the quality of the image uploaded isn't exactly top notch.
Not bad, though studie the muscles of the chest abit more, they look abit our of place
thank you EmeraldPhoenix!! I will continue studying anatomy. Greetings from Argentina!!
Really cool design, lighting and details. This one definatelly makes a candidate for the prize pool. If not the winner.
The date you posted it does say 10-25 though... not sure if this is timezone based but the deadline was october 24th. But with such a piece I doubt jazza will be so strict about a deadline.
great work!
Yeah, I really confused about the time. It's 11AM at Oct 25 when I posted it. I am living in Indonesia. It already late if we use this tine zone. And if I don't get wrong, Jazza lives in Australia, and there 2 hours earlier than Indonesia. And if I don't get wrong again, Newgrounds based in Philadelphia. If we use Philadelphia time, it seems I posted it in last second. :)
Well, I hope I am not too late and my entry still accepted m :D
Thank you so much for appreciating my work!
Looks great, His face reminds me of that pit lord (or whatever) from World of warcraft.
I like the painted look you gave to it
Thanks! I always try to achieve a painterly look