This looks really good. It's a real shame this didn't make it for the deadline, I am sure this would have been a finalist.
This looks really good. It's a real shame this didn't make it for the deadline, I am sure this would have been a finalist.
Thanks! I'm really pissed at myself that I didn't notice the deadline. I always assumed it would be the end of the month
I see my own future self.
It looks really good. The textures are amazing.
Thank you!
I focused more on the face and left the clothes less detailed, I wanted to make him look wet but was too lazy to add rain drops and all that.
Really nice, I especially like the thought behind it.
I drew a tiger a really really long time ago and I remember that being really hard. I am certain your mom will love this illustration, since it's from the heart.
good job!
Thank you :)
I don't like painting or drawing fur and because of the timelimit I went with quite simple style.
The tiger get's lower and lower quality from top to the bottom. Still quite happy with the result.
Looking good. But maybe you should make the regenerating 3d cube a little longer, the lower half keeps spawning back instead of it being endless.
I could have angled the camera view a bit better :P
A great piece, though I feel abit sad for the warrior.
Oh don't worry about him, he's got it covered ;) Thanks for the feedback, to be honest this is my first time painting in a long time as I've recently been doing a ton of work for video game projects and line-art for personal projects. It was nice to do something without those restrictions, but, I have to admit this one didn't turn out quite as good as I had hoped! still like the idea though =/ Cheers!
First advice, keep it short, try to say what you want to say in a few lines. Unless the artwork is brilliant people won't read that much.
Lore is important for character design, understanding of the story will help you create something interesting that fits.
I never played the Fallout games so I can't judge the character, but it seems like a standard mutant. I am sure you can come up with something else. Try making allot of sketches and pick the things you like from those to make your final illustration.
look up Fallout 3 supermutants on google images , then you'll see what's a standart mutant... anyway, thank's for the review, but on the other hand when you've never played any of the games how can you write that it seems like a standart mutant ( I have to follow the artstyle of the mutants from FO3 at least a little bit, obviously)
I played FO3 and I know something about the lore, enough for me to draw this, but I know that there are some maniacs who know absolutely everything about the fallout universe (that's why I wrote that I'm not fully aware of the lore)
Looks great again. You did a good job on the folds of the clothing.
Why is it titled 'Fool' though?
Thank you! hmm... while I was making this piece I couldn't get the idea of a jester out of my head... I dunno why... but thats why I guess! XD
This is a illustration with a powerful meaning.
I love how you combined the work of your son with your own.
Just one question, you used blood for this piece?
my children draw on my art without permission a fair amount, so i decided to have a collaboration with each of them. the blood came from his finger nail that he smeared in some red spot. made me laugh, use what you have at hand and he did it was great; it was a small amount before i got him a band aid haha