I accidentally voted the wrong score, sorry about that. It looks good.
I accidentally voted the wrong score, sorry about that. It looks good.
thanks :)
It looks really good, the colouring is great and I like how you did the shading. The angle of view is also interesting.
I am not really familiar with Boba Fett, but isn't his helmet a little big for his body? It looks to me like he is a midget that way.
The Man with No Name, looks amazing, Is he sweating or crying? Both are believable, so just curious.
well done, this is the best piece so far.
Glad you like it. At first I thought Boba's head was too big as well but I kept it. Call me crazy but for some reason I love it. Kinda gives me a Spaceballs vibe.
Also he is sweating.
Hehe, such a brave little kobold. That sword must be pretty deep into the earth
Oh yes you´r right :D
Looks good, I like the dramatic turn of Vikramaditya.
I am wondering what that red orb is though? Is it a baseball?
Thanx...he he...well actually it is supposed to be a missile...but I guess it does not look like a missile ha...
Beautiful, I like the details on the clothing.
Thank u (:
Looks really good. There is no such thing as silly in my opinion.
A little nit picking, her left hand blends in with her mechanical wing, maybe you should have made the contrast a little stronger.
good job.
thanks! I tried to make that change. I don't know when the image will update. I pushed the contrast a bit.
I like how she is looking almost loving at the apple
Glad you like it.
I like your shading of the folds, they are very subtle and soft.
A little tip to prevent illustration blindness: Select all layers, turn them horizontally. Switch a few times between them, you will almost immediately spot any flaw.
In photoshop I use these shortcuts: [Ctrl-A] [Ctrl-T] [Right-Click] then select [Turn horizontally]
then use [Ctrl-Z] to switch between the turned versions.
I think that might have been my problem, I think I flipped it too much, so I got blinded to both versions. xD
A great illustration. You make good use of perspective and composition to make it interesting . Not much to be nit picking about.
How much hours have you spend on this piece?
It was hard to keep track of the time I've spent on this. It was done over a week, each day varying from half an hour to about four hours of work.
Well that is the truth unfortunately, put some boobs in it and your views will skyrocket. But is that really the audience you are after.
There are plenty of people who are looking for something original and actually creative, but they are sometimes easy to overlook, because most are following their primitive instincts (not going to lie I also fall for it sometimes).
Just paint what feels like is a part of you, not what people want you to make (unless they pay, ofc.)
About the painting. It looks good, but there is still some room for improvement, keep it up
Thanks for the review! I actually like drawing people. Girls mostly, but you're right. People looking for perverted images and porn isn't really the audience I want to attract. This was more of a test to see if the art portal really works this way. We'll see how it goes...