Looks very nice, good job on the folds and conveying emotions to your piece
Looks very nice, good job on the folds and conveying emotions to your piece
Thanks a lot! I love your entry too :D
not bad, a little tip though. When flipping the eyes don't forget to flip the shine in them aswell
Not bad, can it be inspired by the old cubebrush banner?
Definitely, Cubebrush is where I learnt a lot of what I know, great channel.
good peace, nice use of colour. I like her expression. I dont really think making the cape so blurry does the piece much good. it's good but a little to much I think.
keep it up
I rolled "(chaotic good) Lightning Fairy - your char wields a knife - your char wears a Shadowy white garment that is pierced by bolts, swords and blades all over it - your char is able to talk to dragons"
xD I didn't make the garment white or with swords, so that blur is an attempt to make it looks "shadowy" at least.
>____< tly thx for the review, it helps a lot :D
get thongs going? The hell you going to make xD
thanks for the heads up
Great quality, release something along these lines and I am sure allof of people will buy it
No remarks, it's a proffesional made illustration. Well done
Looks good,
I think the stick he is chewing on is lost in the coloured version. I suggest making it a little lighter so it wont dissappear with the black colour of his mouth and hair
Oh yeah you right , I didnt notice! Thanks :)
Great style, it's easy to recognize every time
Thanks for that :)
I think we got ourselves a finalist! (again)
Amazingly detailed. Dramatic poses and expressions.
It's just nitpicking from someone way below your skill level, but I think it's a shame you didn't clean up the outlines.
But this is just brilliant and there is a story to be told.
good luck in the competition!
Thank you so much for appreciation and critics. Yeah, actually I am going to make it without outline. But I can't because that will take me longer time to finish it since I worked it in about few last days. So I just left the outline there at last.