Already watched the live stream. Really great.
I would have made the black buttons on her vest a different colour though. But that's just nitpicking.
looking forward to your next illustration
Already watched the live stream. Really great.
I would have made the black buttons on her vest a different colour though. But that's just nitpicking.
looking forward to your next illustration
OOoo you are right, thanks for the review =) I meant to have that gold as well, but I forgot. O well. Thanks for the comment, and thanks for supporting thejettyjetshow!
That is one very manly female
girl power!
Are you really going to do all 721 of them? I really want to see you accomplish that!
Love your style, and especially great that you add colour now.
Keep it up!
Thanks! :) I don't know yet...
Today im just thinkin in make just at the 2° gen. But later in the year when i should have done this gen... who knows?
Looks really good, the details on the flowers and enviroment are beautifull.
I only want to point out one thing. take a closer look at her legs and where they connect to her waist. Something strange is going on there.
Appart from that your anatomie is good so I wonder what happened there.
Thanks! :) I appreciate your review :3
*eagle sound*
the armor looks great, good eye for details