Amazing, I love the black/grey red mass she is controlling, adding a little blueish purple gives it just that little extra.
Personally I would have placed the left eye abit closer to the nose.
good job
Amazing, I love the black/grey red mass she is controlling, adding a little blueish purple gives it just that little extra.
Personally I would have placed the left eye abit closer to the nose.
good job
Nice work on this one, nostalgia kicked in for me.
I love the colours you used and the blocky lineart.
One question, why is Ivysaur not a bulbasaur, since you did a charmander and squirtle.
Whatever that strix is whispering, it makes the fairy king looking way to excited into my direction.
I love it
haha thanks EmeraldPhoenix. The Faerie King knows everything that happens in his woods. =)
Tea Vee, hehe. Creative and nice use of word play
Great job on the shading, I love the contrast between light and dark. This painted realistic style is one of my favorites.
(in my opinion, It's great to see you make something else then erotic girls/boys).
i don't want to be recognized as a hentai artist. i just want to be recognized as a good artist in general.
Really nice, I like the concept.
Good job on the futuristic look of a big crowded city, the outfits look great.
Just something I wondered, if the cube gets absorbed if anyone touches it, how come nobody else has absorbed it before?
Keep thinking of how the viewer reads, try to guide the viewer trough the page. I started reading with: 'As valued citizen... others want' instead of the first panel. My view was forced up to the page to drop down again. Imagine the first panel in the upper left corner, it creates a more pleasant view.
For action scenes, this set up would be really good, like if some attacker stands above the protagonist from above, for example.
Looks great, looking forward to the next one.
ofcourse - anyone can't absorb a cube. only certain people can.
and thank u for all suggests (:
I like the story, I realized Molag'Bal and the creation of vampires in the Elder Scrolls looks allot like this one.
The characters look great, I especially like the bloodied scar around Absimiliard eye.
I agree with MysticTrinket. The train feels off in this picture.
How did Zillah come back to life? Since Absimiliard is already hideously deformed, it must be after she got killed.
Yes, Zillah is practically dead and fries in hell according VTM lore. This is a cover picture for my cookbook where I "add" new story based on VTM lore. The lady on the left and the proper owner of the body is not Zillah, her name is Lacene Riderguerre, in my story Caine turns her into a vampire and possesses her with a ghost that he brainwashed to think, feel, and behave like Zillah according to the fullest of Caine's knowledge of her. Technically she is like Gollum, a split personality where one soul can claim control at a time. Caine did that out of sentiment for Zillah, he never got the chance to bury her, so when he found Lacene (who looks almost like Zillah) he decided to make both a powerful servant as well as a living tombstone. So yes, you are excused if you say she's just a cheap knock-off rather than a resurrected original.
Damn, I am working on something also involving chess... I was somewhat hoping nobody else would come up with that idea. Maybe I should change it...
Anyway, welcome back to Newgrounds!
I'd say one, eleven and twelve caught my eye first.